
Tuesday, February 6, 2018


The Bounty Campaign will run from January 26th - April 15th

For the Bitcointalk Bounty Campaign, TradePlayz has reserved 1 Million ZED Tokens to be distributed to participants. ZED are ERC20 Tokens which will be distributed among the participants in the bounty campaign based on shares earned in each bounty component, given the allocations for each as seen below.

Bounty Components
1. Telegram/Newsletter Campaign – 5%
2. Bug/Beta Testing Campaign - 20%
3. Translation Campaign – 15% 
4. Social Media Campaign (Facebook/Twitter) – 35%
5. Article/Media Campaign – 10%
6. Signature Campaign – 15% 

IMPORTANT: Once a participants registers with an ETH Address, do not change address throughout the campaign! Only provide ETH address to which you know the private keys or seed phrases. (No exchanges, Shapeshift, or other 3rd party services). Do not send us your private keys! Send us your public ERC20 Address

We look forward to having the support of the Bitcointalk Community and rewarding you all for your work with Tradeplayz (Zed), an ERC20 token designed for the Tradeplayz Gaming Platform. Be sure to check out http://tradeplayz.com to learn more!
We are WEEK ONE! Week One runs from January 26th - February 1st.

1. Tradeplayz Telegram Campaign – 5%

• Telegram Channel Registration: 1 Share

To earn 1 Share, all you need to do is join our official Telegram channel and fill out the form below. You must remain in the Telegram channel until conclusion of the token offering! Each participant can earn a maximum of 1 Share in this component of the campaign.

How To Apply:
Join our Telegram Group
Telegram/Newsletter Registration Form

Check Telegram Spreadsheet: Here

2. Tradeplayz Bug/Beta Testing Campaign – 25%

• You will be contacted via e-mail once you register. Follow guidelines in order to earn shares.

•All you need to do is register with the Registration Form by sending us your e-mail address. We will contact you and you will be eligible to beta test and earn shares for using our app!

How to Apply:
Beta/Bug Testing Registration Form

Beta/Bug Testing Spreadsheet

3. Tradeplayz Translation Campaign – 15%

Official TradePlayz Announcement Thread Link
Official TradePlayz Whitepaper Link

• Whitepaper Translation: 150 Shares
• Whitepaper Updates: 15 Shares Each Update
• ANN Thread Translation: 100 Shares
• ANN Thread Updates: 2 Shares Each Post

• Absolutely no google translator is permitted to be used. Participants using google translator will not be accepted and if a google translation is submitted, that translator will be blacklisted! 
• Participants may only translate in one language, but can translate both the whitepaper and the announcement thread.
• Please do not submit a request to translate unless you are fluent in the translated language and in English. 
• Announcement Thread translators are expected to moderate the thread and regularly update the thread with news, info, posts, etc from the original meVu Ann Thread or social medias. Each post will earn an additional 2 shares!
• If Announcement Thread translators do not make a reasonable attempt to regularly update the thread, a 75% reduction in share will be applied! (75 Shares!). Make minimum 2 updates per week and this reduction will not apply!
• Do not begin translating until we have approved your reservation!
• Managers/Owners reserve the right to make minor, reasonable changes to the rules.

How to Apply:
To reserve a language, please post your interest along with some of your references following the following format:

• Your Language:
• Reference to previous works (at least 3):
• Translating Whitepaper, ANN thread or both:

Once accepted, you will be contacted by PM by the Tradeplayz Account and we will post a list of accepted translators here.

Current Translations:
Hindi Announcement Thread - Thanks erikalui
Indonesian Announcement Thread - Thanks trinaldao

4. TradePlayz Social Media Campaign – 35%

Official Tradeplayz Twitter
Official Tradeplayz Facebook

• 2 Shares / 1 Tweet about TradePlayz
• 1 Shares / 1 Retweet of TradePlayz account tweet
• 2 Shares / 1 Facebook Post about TradePlayz
• 1 Shares / 1 Facebook Share of TradePlayz account post

IN ORDER TO SUBMIT CLAIM FORMS, KINDLY FILL IN YOUR WEEKLY REPORT FORMS HERE WEEKLY. You can submit as soon as you've reached 5, 5, 5, 5 Posts, Tweet, Shares & Retweets.
Weekly Twitter Report Form (January 26th - February 1st)
Weekly Facebook Report Form (January 26th - February 1st)

Check Twitter Spreadsheet: Here
Check Facebook Spreadsheet: Here


• You must first follow @Tradeplayz
• One twitter account per bitcoin talk member is allowed. 
• Your twitter account must have at least 300 authentic followers. 
• All tweets will be reviewed by bounty campaign managers. 
• Twitter Audit must be better than 80% (No Bot Behavior)
• A Tweet must include at least one hashtag: #TradePlayz #ZedToken

• Follow and like the official TradePlayz Facebook page 
• One facebook account per bitcoin talk member is allowed. 
• Your facebook account must have at least 500 friends. 
• All posts AND profiles will be reviewed by bounty campaign managers. 
• Maximum 15 Shares Earned WEEKLY
• Posts and Profile must be public.

How to Apply:
Twitter Registration Form
Facebook Registration Form

5. TradePlayz Articles/Media Campaign – 10%

Articles/blog posts will earn 10, 20 or 30 Shares depending on the views, effort level and quality of the post, at the discretion of the TradePlayz team.

• All articles or blog posts must be publicly viewable. 
• Listing on an ICO tracking / ICO schedule website will earn 30 Shares.
• The platform through which you publish must be relevant and there must be an audience. 
• Pieces should be at least 400 words and include the links to our website (http://tradeplayz.com) and whitepaper (http://tradeplayz.com/tpz_whitepaper.pdf)
• Videos must be at least 1:00 long. Videos under this limit will not be accepted. 
• In the description of the video, there must be at least one link to the website and one link to the whitepaper.

How to Apply:
Tradeplayz Article/Media Registration Form

Check Article/Media Campaign Spreadsheet: Here

6. TradePlayz Signature Campaign – 15%

1. Jr. Member: 15 Shares/Week
2. Member: 20 Sharess/Week
3. Full Member: 30 Shares/Week
4. Sr. Member: 50 Shares/Week
5: Hero Member: 65 Shares/Week
6: Legendary Member: 80 Shares/Week

+5 Shares/Week for wearing our Avatar!

• Must make at least 7 constructive posts on Bitcoin Talk Forum per week.
• No negative trust accounts please

How to Apply:
Signature Campaign Registration Form

The Bounty Manager will update spreadsheets every week and check that the signature is still being used week after week. The first campaign week runs from January 21st - January 27th.

Check Signature Campaign Spreadsheet: Here

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